dj retrospect (lantern) | retrospect lns
- 9/7 (le mont royal; 1230-3pm)
9/7 (showtime bar; 10p-3a)- 9/8 (le mont royal; adams morgan day; 6-9pm)
- 9/14 (wonderland ballroom)
- 9/20 (wonderland ballroom)
- 9/28 (dew drop inn)
- 10/5 (showtime bar)
- 10/12 (wonderland ballroom)
- 10/18 (wonderland ballroom)
- 10/26 (dew drop inn)
- tbd (no kisses)
(stay well as possible, people)
- past
8/31 (wonderland ballroom)8/24 (private events)8/24 (dew drop inn)8/17 (dew drop inn)8/16 (wonderland ballroom)8/10 (wonderland ballroom)8/9 (le mont royal)8/3 (showtime bar)7/27 (dew drop inn)7/19 (wonderland ballroom)7/13 (wonderland ballroom)7/6 (showtime bar)6/22 (dew drop inn)6/21 (wonderland ballroom)6/15 (private event)6/14 (no kisses bar)6/8 (wonderland ballroom)6/2 (wonderland ballroom; sundress fest w/dj eskimo, dj o's cool, dj rachi)6/1 (wonderland ballroom)6/1 (showtime bar)5/31 (le mont royal)5/25 (dew drop inn)5/17 (wonderland ballroom)5/11 (wonderland ballroom)5/4 (showtime bar; 10p-close)5/4 (le mont royal; porchfest; 530-9p)4/27 (dew drop inn)4/20 (silent disco @ peace in the air w/sir e.u. and friends; 10p-2a)4/19 (wonderland ballroom)4/13 (wonderland ballroom)4/6 (showtime bar)3/22 (wonderland ballroom)3/21 (dc9; boo's birthday bash w/supreme commander, mighty trouble threat, jenny hates techno)3/16 (private event; national cannibus festival)3/15 (wonderland ballroom)3/14 (le mont royal)3/10 (looking glass)3/2 (showtime bar)3/23 (dew drop inn)2/25 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge, harry hotter; 6-close)*2/24 (dew drop inn)2/18 (looking glass; 10pm-close)2/18 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge, harry hotter; 6-close)*2/16 (wonderland ballroom)2/10 (wonderland ballroom)2/6 (artists & ales market; w/dom jackson; dew drop inn, 7p-12a)2/4 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge, harry hotter; 6-close)*2/3 (showtime bar)2/1 (le mont royal; 8p-12a)1/28 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge, harry hotter; 6-close)1/27 (dew drop inn)1/21 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge, harry hotter; 6-close)1/19 (wonderland ballroom)1/14 (le mont royal; w/harry hotter; 6-close)1/13 (wonderland ballroom)1/6 (showtime bar)1/4 (le mont royal; 8p-12a)12/31 (wonderland ballroom)12/29 (le mont royal)12/24 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge; 6-11p)12/23 (dew drop inn)12/15 (wonderland ballroom)12/12 (artists & ales holiday market; dew drop inn, 7p-12a)12/9 (wonderland ballroom)12/7 (le mont royal; 8p-12a)12/2 (showtime bar)11/30 (le mont royal; w/others)11/25 (dew drop inn)11/19 (le mont royal; w/dj smudge, harry hotter; 6-11p)11/17 (wonderland ballroom)11/11 (wonderland ballroom; 10p-close)11/11 (private event; dew drop inn, 4-9p)11/4 (showtime bar; 10p-close)11/4 (le mont royal; porchfest w/dj smudge, 2-9p)10/31 (wonderland ballroom)10/28 (dew drop inn)10/20 (wonderland ballroom)10/14 (wonderland ballroom; 10p-close)10/7 (showtime bar)9/30 (dew drop inn; 10p-close)9/30 (owl room; art all night w/ameer dyson & chill band ft.riz tha great; 5-930p)9/23 (dew drop inn)9/22 (wonderland ballroom)9/9 (wonderland ballroom)9/2 (showtime bar)9/1 (le mont royal)8/4 (wonderland ballroom)8/5 (private event; dc brau, 7-10p)8/5 (showtime bar)8/12 (wonderland ballroom)8/18 (wonderland ballroom)8/26 (dew drop inn)7/27 (toro bar)7/22 (dew drop inn)7/21 (wonderland ballroom)7/20 (toro bar)7/14 (wonderland ballroom)7/13 (toro bar)7/8 (wonderland ballroom)7/6 (toro bar)7/1 (showtime bar)6/30 (le mont royal)6/24 (dew drop inn; 10p-3a)6/24 (punch bowl social; 7-10p)6/22 (toro bar)6/16 (wonderland ballroom; w/dj o's cool)6/16 (private event; 7-11p)6/15 (toro bar)6/10 (wonderland ballroom)6/8 (toro bar)6/4 (sundress festival; 11-3p; wonderland ballroom)6/3 (showtime bar)6/2 (gifted curators dc; 3-7p)6/1 (toro bar)5/27 (dew drop inn)5/25 (toro bar)5/20 (wonderland ballroom)5/18 (toro bar)5/14 (private event; late)5/14 (dcb fun run & community festival; early)5/13 (wonderland ballroom)5/11 (toro bar)5/6 (showtime bar)5/4 (toro bar)4/27 (toro bar)4/22 (dew drop inn)4/21 (wonderland ballroom; 10p-close)4/21 (eaton; 6-9p)4/20 (toro bar)4/13 (toro bar)4/8 (wonderland ballroom)4/6 (toro bar)4/1 (showtime bar)3/30 (toro bar)3/25 (dew drop inn)3/23 (toro bar)3/17 (wonderland ballroom)3/16 (toro bar)3/11 (wonderland ballroom)3/9 (toro bar)3/5 (baltimore soundstage; w/duck myers)3/4 (showtime bar)3/2 (toro bar)2/25 (dew drop inn)2/23 (toro bar)2/17 (wonderland ballroom)2/16 (toro bar)2/14 (wonderland ballroom)2/11 (wonderland ballroom)2/4 (showtime bar)2/9 (toro bar)2/2 (toro bar)1/28 (dew drop inn)1/26 (toro bar)1/20 (wonderland ballroom)1/19 (toro bar)1/15 (wonderland ballroom)1/14 (wonderland ballroom)1/12 (toro bar)1/7 (private event)1/5 (toro bar)12/31 (dew drop inn)12/29 (toro bar)12/24 (metrobar)*12/22 (toro bar)12/17 (metrobar)12/16 (wonderland ballroom)12/10 (wonderland ballroom)12/3 (showtime)12/2 (rhizome; w/duck myers)11/26 (dew drop inn)11/18 (wonderland ballroom)11/12 (wonderland ballroom)11/5 (showtime)10/24 (tx migrant fundraiser; la cosecha, 7-11pm)10/22 (dew drop inn)10/21 (wonderland ballroom)10/8 (wonderland ballroom)10/1 (showtime)9/30 (wonderland ballroom)9/30 (grand duchess)9/24 (dew drop inn)9/16 (wonderland ballroom)9/10 (wonderland ballroom)9/4 (wonderland ballroom; 10p-close)9/4 (metrobar; 5-9p)9/3 (showtime)8/27 (dew drop inn; 10p-close)8/27 (metrobar; flea dc, 1-6p)8/20 (dew drop inn)8/19 (wonderland ballroom)8/14 (metrobar; 5-930p)8/13 (wonderland ballroom)8/6 (showtime)7/30 (metrobar; 1-5p, 7:30-close)7/24 (metrobar; 4-930p)7/23 (dew drop inn)7/9 (wonderland ballroom)7/8 (looking glass)7/3 (wonderland ballroom)7/2 (showtime lounge)6/24-6/25 (grand duchess)6/11 (wonderland ballroom)6/10 (looking glass)6/4 (showtime lounge)5/28 (dew drop inn)5/27 (looking glass)5/20 (wonderland ballroom; w/dj oscool)5/14 (wonderland ballroom)5/13 (looking glass)5/7 (showtime lounge)5/6 (wonderland ballroom)4/30 (dew drop inn)4/23 (dew drop inn)4/16 (ukrainian refugee benefit; 618 lounge, 9-10p)4/15 (wonderland ballroom)4/9 (wonderland ballroom)4/8 (looking glass)4/3 (dc record fair; 3-4pm)4/2 (showtime lounge)4/1 (wonderland ballroom)3/26 (dew drop inn)3/19 (dew drop inn; early 4-9)3/12 (wonderland ballroom)3/11 (looking glass)3/5 (showtime lounge)2/26 (dew drop inn)2/20 (showtime lounge)2/12 (wonderland ballroom)2/11 (looking glass)2/5 (showtime lounge)1/29 (dew drop inn)1/22 (dew drop inn)1/21 (showtime lounge)1/15 (neptune room)1/14 (looking glass)1/8 (wonderland ballroom)1/1 (showtime lounge)12/31 (wonderland ballroom)12/25 (dew drop inn)12/18 (dew drop inn)12/11 (wonderland ballroom)12/10 (looking glass)11/27 (dew drop inn)11/20 (neptune room)11/13 (wonderland ballroom)11/7 (dew drop inn; THE FUNSET w/kenny m & dj smudge)11/6 (showtime lounge)10/23 (dew drop inn)10/22 (looking glass)10/16 (neptune room)10/9 (wonderland ballroom)10/2 (showtime lounge)9/25 (dew drop inn)9/18 (neptune room)9/11 (wonderland ballroom)9/5 (wonderland ballroom)9/4 (showtime lounge)9/3 (looking glass lounge)8/28 (dew drop inn)8/15 (wonderland ballroom; anniversary party, 6-930pm)8/14 (wonderland ballroom)8/13 (looking glass lounge)8/7 (showtime lounge)7/31 (neptune room)7/24 (dew drop inn)7/17 (showtime lounge)7/16 (neptune room)7/10 (wonderland ballroom)6/26 (neptune room)6/19 (showtime lounge) (late)6/19 (juneteenth set) (u street) (early)6/12 (wonderland ballroom)12/2 (sPACYCLoud lounge; w/artist zhenya parish; livestream on-site)5/23 (cafe saint-ex)5/9 (showtime lounge)5/2 (wonderland ballroom)4/11 (showtime lounge)4/10 (cafe saint-ex)4/4 (wonderland ballroom)3/14 (showtime lounge)3/13 (cafe saint-ex)2/22 (wonderland ballroom)2/15 (dodge city; downstairs)2/14 (cafe saint-ex)2/8 (showtime lounge)2/1 (wonderland ballroom)1/11 (showtime lounge)1/4 (wonderland ballroom)12/31 (bluejacket)12/14 (showtime lounge)12/13 (cafe saint-ex)12/7 (wonderland ballroom)11/29 (wonderland ballroom)11/23 (private event)11/14 (cafe saint-ex)11/9 (showtime lounge)11/8 (cafe saint-ex)11/2 (wonderland ballroom)10/31 (showtime lounge)10/25 (cafe saint-ex)10/12 (showtime lounge)10/5 (wonderland ballroom)9/27 (private event)9/14 (showtime lounge)9/13 (cafe saint-ex)9/7 (wonderland ballroom)8/17 (cafe saint-ex)8/10 (showtime lounge)8/9 (cafe saint-ex)8/3 (wonderland ballroom)7/13 (showtime lounge)7/12 (cafe saint-ex)7/6 (wonderland ballroom)7/4 (showtime lounge)6/29 (wonderland ballroom; downstairs)6/15 (cafe saint-ex)6/8 (dew drop inn)6/1 (wonderland ballroom)5/31 (wonderland ballroom)5/24 (cafe saint-ex)5/11 (showtime lounge) (late)5/11 (velvet lounge; funk parade w/funky 4 u djs) (early)5/10 (denizens brewing co; w/host kenny m.)5/4 (wonderland ballroom)4/13 (showtime lounge)4/6 (wonderland ballroom3/22 (cafe saint-ex)3/9 (showtime lounge)3/8 (cafe saint-ex)3/2 (wonderland ballroom)2/9 (showtime lounge)2/2 (wonderland ballroom)1/13 (bar roubaix)1/12 (cafe saint-ex)1/5 (wonderland ballroom)12/31 (cafe saint-ex)12/30 (bar roubaix)12/23 (bar roubaix)12/16 (looking glass lounge)12/8 (showtime lounge)12/2 (bar roubaix; w/guest dj kenny m)12/1 (wonderland ballroom)11/30 (cafe saint-ex)11/18 (bar roubaix)11/10 (showtime lounge)11/9 (cafe saint-ex)11/4 (bar roubaix)11/3 (wonderland ballroom)11/2 (dodge city; downstairs)10/21 (bar roubaix)10/13 (showtime lounge)10/9 (chicken & whiskey; w/host dj kenny m)10/7 (bar roubaix)10/6 (wonderland ballroom)9/29 (looking glass lounge)9/23 (bar roubaix; w/guest dj honest lee)9/22 (cafe saint-ex)9/21 (bourbon)9/15 (bourbon)9/9 (bar roubaix; w/guest dj marrow)9/8 (dodge city; upstairs)9/1 (wonderland ballroom)8/31 (cafe saint-ex)8/30 (dew drop inn)8/26 (bar roubaix; w/guest cuzzn greg)8/25 (dodge city; downstairs)8/17 (dodge city; upstairs)8/12 (bar roubaix)8/11 (showtime lounge)8/4 (wonderland ballroom)7/14 (showtime lounge)7/7 (wonderland ballroom)6/30 (dodge city; downstairs)6/23 (cafe saint-ex)6/15 (dodge city; upstairs)6/9 (showtime lounge)6/8 (bourbon)6/2 (wonderland ballroom)6/1 (bourbon)5/31 (showtime lounge; anniversary w/showtime djs)5/25 (bourbon)5/18 (bar roubaix; 5-8p)5/12 (showtime lounge)5/11 (bourbon)5/5 (wonderland ballroom)4/14 (showtime lounge)4/7 (wonderland ballroom)3/30 (cafe saint-ex)3/24 (velvet lounge; 830-1030p)3/16 (showtime lounge)3/10 (showtime lounge)3/3 (wonderland ballroom)2/18 (el techo w/riddim crew)2/10 (showtime lounge)2/3 (wonderland ballroom)1/14 (el techo w/riddim crew)1/13 (showtime lounge)1/11 (cafe saint-ex; late)1/11 (velvet lounge; early)1/6 (wonderland ballroom)12/31 (velvet lounge)12/28 (dodge city; downstairs)12/16 (dodge city; downstairs)12/9 (showtime lounge)12/7 (cafe saint-ex)12/2 (wonderland ballroom)11/24 (dodge city; downstairs)11/11 (showtime lounge)11/4 (wonderland ballroom)11/3 (dodge city; upstairs)10/28 (colony club*)10/17 (wonderland ballroom; part of Remy Knight benefit*)10/14 (showtime lounge)10/7 (wonderland ballroom)10/5 (cafe saint-ex)9/29 (wonderland ballroom)9/22 (penn social)9/15 (dew drop inn)9/9 (showtime lounge)9/2 (wonderland ballroom)9/1 (cafe saint-ex)8/18 (dew drop inn)8/12 (showtime lounge)8/5 (wonderland ballroom)7/29 (saint-ex)7/21 (dew drop inn)7/15 (showtime lounge)7/7 (dodge city; upstairs)7/1 (wonderland ballroom)6/24 (looking glass lounge)6/23 (meridian pint)6/17 (showtime lounge)6/10 (dodge city; upstairs)6/9 (meridian pint)6/3 (wonderland ballroom)5/31 (showtime lounge; anniversary party w/showtime djs)5/27 (looking glass lounge)5/26 (meridian pint)5/20 (showtime lounge)5/19 (dew drop inn)5/13 (dodge city; downstairs)5/6 (wonderland ballroom)4/22 (looking glass lounge)4/21 (dew drop inn)4/15 (showtime lounge)4/8 (penn social)4/1 (wonderland ballroom)3/25 (looking glass lounge)3/18 (dodge city; upstairs)3/17 (dew drop inn)3/4 (wonderland ballroom)2/25 (looking glass lounge)2/17 (dew drop inn)2/10 (showtime lounge)2/4 (wonderland ballroom)1/28 (looking glass lounge)1/27 (penn social)1/20 (dew drop inn)1/13 (satellite room)1/8 (velvet lounge)1/7 (wonderland ballroom)1/6 (penn social)12/31 (velvet lounge)12/24 (looking glass lounge)12/17 (penn social)12/16 (dew drop inn)12/10 (dodge city; downstairs)12/3 (wonderland ballroom)11/26 (looking glass lounge)11/18 (penn social)11/12 (dodge city; downstairs)11/5 (wonderland ballroom)10/29 (passenger)10/22 (looking glass lounge)10/21 (dew drop inn)10/14 (penn social)10/8 (bourbon)10/1 (wonderland ballroom)9/24 (looking glass lounge)9/22 (marvin; w/dj keenan)9/16 (dew drop inn)9/11 (marvin)9/3 (wonderland ballroom)8/27 (looking glass lounge)8/21 (satellite room)8/19 (dew drop inn)8/14 (satellite room)8/6 (wonderland ballroom)8/4 (looking glass lounge; happy hour)7/23 (looking glass lounge)7/22 (dew drop inn)7/2 (wonderland ballroom)6/25 (looking glass)6/24 (homestead)6/17 (dew drop inn)6/4 (wonderland ballroom)6/3 (dew drop inn)5/28 (looking glass lounge)5/27 (dew drop inn)5/20 (dew drop inn)5/14 (dodge city; upstairs)5/12 (velvet lounge)5/7 (wonderland ballroom)4/28 (dew drop inn)4/23 (looking glass lounge)4/15 (dew drop inn)4/2 (wonderland ballroom)3/31 (velvet lounge)3/25 (looking glass)3/18 (dew drop inn)3/5 (wonderland ballroom)2/27 (looking glass)2/19 (dodge city)2/6 (wonderland ballroom)1/23 (looking glass)1/16 (dew drop inn)1/15 (dew drop inn)1/11 (velvet lounge)1/2 (wonderland ballroom)12/31 (velvet lounge)12/26 (looking glass lounge)12/18 (dew drop inn)12/5 (wonderland ballroom)11/28 (looking glass lounge)11/27 (dew drop inn)11/20 (dew drop inn)11/7 (wonderland ballroom)10/30 (dodge city; upstairs)10/19 (el camino)10/16 (dew drop inn)10/9 (dew drop inn)10/3 (wonderland ballroom)9/18 (dew drop inn)9/6 (showtime lounge)9/5 (wonderland ballroom)8/28 (showtime lounge)8/22 (velvet lounge)8/21 (dew drop inn)8/14 (dew drop inn)8/1 (wonderland ballroom)7/26 (marvin; with dj provoke)7/24 (dodge city [upstairs])7/10 (dew drop inn)7/4 (wonderland ballroom)6/27 (dew drop inn)6/26 (showtime lounge)6/25 (dr. clock's nowhere bar; with dj amitai)6/19 (dew drop inn)6/6 (wonderland ballroom)5/31 (showtime lounge 2-year anniversary)5/24 (marvin; with dj provoke)5/22 (showtime lounge)5/21 (velvet lounge)5/2 (marvin; funk parade dc)5/2 (wonderland ballroom)4/24 (showtime lounge)4/4 (wonderland ballroom)3/27 (showtime lounge)3/20 (dodge city)
(a ton of past gigs, will re-add after site re-launch)